Friday, July 9, 2021

131. Alder Gustafson, wood-fired extruded lidded jar

131. Alder Gustafson, wood-fired extruded lidded jar



For Gustafson and the production process, see item 128.

Dark gray clay, interior has a lining glaze; exterior colors from wood-firing. Weight: 158 g (5-1/2 oz). Roughly 4.2 cm (1-5/8 in) square. Height: 7 cm (2-3/4 in).

This sits on four small rectangular feet a scant quarter of a centimeter (eighth of an inch) high. On the base inside the four feet is inscribed “al ru.” The bottom of the column rests on a square slab a little bit larger than the column. The walls of the column are irregular and slant to one side. On each side of the column, Gustafson gouged three vertical grooves from top to bottom. The top was closed off by another slab of clay. The column was cut across at an angle to create a lid. The height to the lid ranges from 5.0 to 5.7 cm (2.0 - 2-1/4 in) above the base. On two opposite sides of the interior of the lid are flanges that extend downward for about 0.4 cm (3/16 in), forming a secure fit between the lid and the base section. The surface of the exterior is rather rough.

The interior of this has a dark reddish-brown lining glaze. The exterior colors come from the wood firing and range from red to black. Particularly along the lower edges of the exterior, ash melt has given the walls a glaze-like sheen.

Purchased from the artist, July 2021.

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265. MURAKOSHI Takuma, 1954- , guinomi

265. MURAKOSHI Takuma  村越琢 磨 , 1954- , Sake-nomi   酒呑 (sake cup) For Murakoshi, see item no. 234.  Light gray clay from Shigaraki. A few ...