Wednesday, July 7, 2021

126. Anne Maraviglia, Shino-glazed wood-fired yunomi

126. Anne Maraviglia, Shino-glazed wood-fired yunomi


Maraviglia is based in Gardner, Illinois. She studied in Japan. Her studio name, Flying Plum Tree, was given her by her Japanese teacher, and the seal script characters for this form her artist’s mark. For more on her and other examples of her work, see her Instagram account @FlyingPlumTree.

Light tan clay, Shino glaze with significant carbon capture; foot ring and base left unglazed. Weight: 198 g (8 oz). Rim diameter: 7.8 cm (3-1/8 in); maximum diameter: 8.3 cm (3-1/4 in), foot ring diameter: 4.2 cm (1-5/8 in). Height: 7 cm (2-3/4 in).

This sits on the base of the foot ring. The exterior of the foot ring is 0.8 cm (5/16 in) high; the interior of the base has been hollowed out to slightly less than this distance. The artist’s mark was impressed into the base. The walls rise in a continuous arc to the rim, reaching the maximum diameter about halfway up. There is a slight indention running around the circumference at about the halfway mark to provide a fingerhold. The finish on this is smooth.

This was glazed inside and out with Shino, with the exception of the foot ring and the base. The interior of the pot is cream colored with some red blush. The exterior shows more of the red color and has significant carbon capture, particularly along the rim, which is almost a solid black. What would be the white portions of the Shino glaze on the exterior are a greenish-gray color.

A nice example of wood-firing with this glaze, resulting in a dynamic range of colors.

Purchased from the artist July 2012.

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265. MURAKOSHI Takuma, 1954- , guinomi

265. MURAKOSHI Takuma  村越琢 磨 , 1954- , Sake-nomi   酒呑 (sake cup) For Murakoshi, see item no. 234.  Light gray clay from Shigaraki. A few ...