Thursday, May 20, 2021

75. Linda Kaplan, neriage plate

75. Linda Kaplan, neriage plate

Kaplan is a Boston-area potter. For other examples of her work, see her page at She also has a page on Pinterest under the name “spiritof1,” which has pictures of her work.

White and blue clays, top side glazed with a clear glaze or luster; bottom left unglazed. Weight: 596 g (1.3 lb). Rim and maximum diameter: 23 cm (9 in).

This has two foot rings. The diameter of the outer ring is 12 cm (4-3/4 in); that of the inner ring is 6,4 cm (2-1/2 in). The outer foot ring is about 0.6 cm (1/4 in) high. The outer wall of the outer foot next to the body of the plate has been cut away to form a concavity. The artist’s initials, “LK,” were stamped inside the outer ring. The inner ring is about 0.3 cm (1/8 in) high. The plate has a central flat area 15.2 cm (6 in) in diameter positioned atop the outer foot ring. The walls curve outward and upward from this to meet the rim. The outside wall has fifteen irregularly spaced diagonal ridges.  The upper side has a flat area about 15.2 cm (6 in) in diameter; the inner walls curve up to the rim above this.

Neriage means “kneaded” and refers to the use of different colored clays to form patterns. Here Kaplan used a white porcelain clay and the same clay colored blue. The two clays were layered, and when she formed this piece, the result was a plate with random streaks of blue and white. A similar process is called “agateware” in English pottery. A clear luster was applied to the top surface of the plate.

This was sold as a second. Perhaps the intent was to apply the luster glaze to the exterior walls. 

Purchased at the annual winter sale at Feet of Clay Pottery, Brookline, Massachusetts, December 2018.


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